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Dr. Yiwen Chiu
Associate Professor

1 Grand Ave., Cal Poly
NRES 180-504
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
TEL: 805-756-2972
yichiu at

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Recent News

Survey to Determine Perception of Sustainability

May 6, 2017

Students volunteers had successfully conducted three rounds of campus-wide survey to collection data from students to determine their knowledge level in sustainability. This survey was led by a group of faculty members from various departments and majors, with a great support from The Facilities Energy, Utilities, and Sustainability team

This series of studies aim to understand both students' and faculty's perception on the education and practices of sustainability at Cal Poly. Volunteer students provided great assistance to interview faculty and staff from each college, allowing the research team to get a full picture of the paradigm. The results of the past two rounds of surveys have been published in two peer-reviewed journal articles:

First study:

Pompeii, Brian, et al. "Identifying and overcoming barriers to integrating sustainability across the curriculum at a teaching-oriented university." Sustainability 11.9 (2019): 2652. (article link)

Second study:

Briens, Elysa CM, et al. "Assessing sustainability knowledge for undergraduate students in different academic programs and settings." International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 24.1 (2023): 69-95. (article link)

Third study:

The survey data have been compiled in March, 2023, and the research team will conduct data analysis starting in summer, 2023.

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